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Formula Funding

What funding has been announced and is headed to the District?  

To date, $1.5 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding has been announced and is headed to District of Columbia with over 17 specific projects identified for funding 
Roads and Bridges: In District of Columbia, there are 4 bridges and over 413 miles of highway in poor condition. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild our roads and includes the single largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the interstate highway system. Based on formula funding alone, the District of Columbia is expected to receive approximately $1.3 billion over five years in federal funding for highways and bridges.  

To date, over $619 million has been announced in District of Columbia for roads, bridges, roadway safety, and major projects. This includes: 

  • $501 million in highway formula funding 
  • $90 million in dedicated formula funding for bridges in 2022 and 2023. 
  • $30 million through the RAISE program in 2022 and 2023 

Internet: In the District, 184 homes and businesses do not have access to high-speed internet infrastructure. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will provide the District with a minimum allocation of at least $100 million to help ensure high-speed internet coverage across the city.  

To date, the District has received $105 million through the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program.  

Water: To date, $132 million has been announced to the District to provide clean and safe water across the city and improve water infrastructure. This includes: 

  • $57 million is dedicated to lead pipe and service line replacement, with another  
  • $39 million for safe drinking water investments that can also support lead pipe replacement 

Public Transit: Based on formula funding alone, the District should expect to receive approximately $1.6 billion over five years under BIL to improve public transit across the city. 

To date, the District has been allocated $308 million to improve public transportation options across the state in fiscal year 2022 and 2023. This includes: 

  • $7.6 million through a successful EPA Clean School Bus Program grant application for 2022-23  
  • $9.6 million for clean transit buses and improved bus service through a successfully DOT Low- and No- Emission Bus and Bus and Bus Facilities Program grant application for 2022-2023. 

Clean Energy & Power: To date, approximately $30.2 million has been allocated to the District for clean energy, energy efficiency, and power in 2022 and 2023. This includes: 

  • $5.2M for weatherization through the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP); 
  • $3M through the State Energy Program (SEP); 
  • $1.7 million through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG); and 
  • $3.1 million to prevent outages and make the power grid more resilient. 

How much funding is the District anticipated to receive from the BIL? 

The District of Columbia is projected to receive more than $3.4 billion over the next five years through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). This funding will be distributed to various agencies, with over $1.9 billion going towards non-DC agencies (WMATA, DC Water, and MWCOG) as passthroughs. The majority of the remaining funds will be directed towards three categories; transportation, environment, and digital/ broadband, with over 80% of new (non-existing) funding going towards the District Department of Transportation. 
The BIL has provided significant levels of funding to jurisdictions across the country, including the District. However, it is important to note that the actual amount of funding available for new projects is limited. While the projected allocation to DC is over $3.4 billion for the next 5 years, only around $623 million will be allocated as "new" funding for District agencies. This amounts to about $125 million per year, with 80% of that for transportation (half of which is for bridges). 

The BIL Central Team has taken proactive measures to disseminate accurate information to residents, community leaders, and the Council regarding the total amount of funding available for the District, aiming to help set realistic expectations about the utilization of BIL funding. 

DC Allocations by Federal Agency 

The table below shows a breakdown of the amount of formula funding the District is set to receive from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law by federal agency in millions.

FY 2022-2026
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program $10,407
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment State Grants $5,000
State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program $11,115
State Digital Equity Planning Grant $463
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant $1,696
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Program $4,432
Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid, Grants to States and Tribes $7,630
State Energy Program (expanded use) $3,022
Weatherization Assistance Program $5,230
Bridge Formula Program $225,000
Carbon Reduction Program $25,674
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement $57,280
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises $48
Highway Safety Improvement Program $60,991
Metropolitan Transportation Planning $12,185
National Electric Vehicle Formula Program $16,679
National Highway Freight Program $28,797
National Highway Performance Program $591,144
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program $29,194
Railway-Highway Crossings (HSIP set-aside) $6,125
Surface Transportation Block Grant $287,938
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program $9,122
Bus and Bus Facilities Competitive Grants $9,590
Bus and Bus Facilities formula grants $62,560
Enhanced Mobility Grants $26,267
Metropolitan Planning $3,183
State of Good Repair Grants $1,351,299
Statewide Transportation Planning $832
Urbanized Area Formula Grants $175,400
Clean School Bus Program $7,625
Clean Water State Revolving Funds: emerging contaminants $4,680
Clean Water State Revolving Funds: Existing Program $54,878
Drinking Water State Revolving Funds: emerging contaminants $38,095
Drinking Water State Revolving Funds: Existing program $111,792
Drinking Water State Revolving Funds: Lead service line replacement $142,950
Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Grant Program $47,285
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) $630
Grand Total $3,436,238